Edublog Transitions

The blog transition focuses on making sure Edublogs are associated to the right teacher and school for the new year. 

For all existing blogs use the Transition Sheet provided for the school. These slides step you through this process. You will need to be logged in to your schools Edublogs Admin account to see these slides. 

Within School Transition

Learners who stay and are moving to a new class:

Removing users

Between School Transfer - Start/end of year

Learners moving from your school to another Manaiakalani Network School

Removing users

Learners arriving at your school from a Manaiakalani Network School

Between School Transfer - during the school year

Learners moving from your school to another Manaiakalani Network School

How to add new Edublog admin accounts

How to remove emails from comment notifications

Removing users

Learners arriving at your school from a Manaiakalani Network School

     Change the year level and teacher name

How to update site titles and taglines

How to add users

     Nb - need to have comment notifications plugin enabled - this is a task for facilitators/school leaders

How to change comment notifications

Archiving Edublogs - Start/end of year

Note :  This Process is only for learners leaving the cluster OR finishing school (ie year 13)

We will complete the rest of the process for you. 

Archiving Edublogs - during the school year

Note :  This Process is only for learners leaving the cluster OR finishing school (ie year 13)

Don't delete the blog!

Unsubscribing to edublog post email notifications

If you have subscribed to receive email notifications for your learners blogs and you'd like to unsubscribe you can do this by either visiting each blog and heading into Subscription - Subscribers and removing yourself from there. Or if you are no longer an admin on the blog, you can remove yourself in bulk using this template. 

How to unsubscribe video

Recommended End & Start of Year Processes

Recommended End & Start of Year Processes